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Aivo Oll (aivo) This is not my decision alone. If you cannot understand it, then I have nothing else to say. |
Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs) There are many bad websites on the internet that discriminate some people. There is no need for this here - just a technical issue (exception for 1 tournament *RIF requirements). Each player will decide whether to play or not in CWC with RRA flag. You can play with RRA flag too (I didn't find any restrictions on the internet for it). |
Aivo Oll (aivo) Also, on and now, there is no flag for your country. Only the association logo. As I have said before, if you do not like it, you can play on some other site. |
Aivo Oll (aivo) How exactly should it work in your opinion? Only the players that play CWC have a different flag? That does not make any sense in my opinion. Feel free to discuss this with Tao Tao as he is the new owner of this site. |
Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs) RIF: "Since the Correspondence World Championship is now a RIF title tournament, we must follow the RIF guidelines for it." RIF doesn't say anything about other tournaments and individual games on this site. There are no RIF requirements for flags on the site (only for 1 tournament). 2 months ago you could choose a flag (real or fake) - this is enough to separate 1 RIF title tournament from all others. |
destroyer Well, I see, I hope he does not do anything suspicious there. |
Anatolie Smirnov (anatolie) Кстати, мы можем оценить игру Liu Xiangbo, и в реальном времени, без программ. Он принимает участие в Евролиге нынешнего сезона. |
Aivo Oll (aivo) Only during the General Assembly it is possible to use veto. |
Anatolie Smirnov (anatolie) Ну вам видней, я точно не знаю, есть ли право вето у России |
Aivo Oll (aivo) There is no way to block a decision in the Central Committee, the majority decides everything. It was 4 against 1 so the decision stands. |
Anatolie Smirnov (anatolie) если бы он был против, то заблокировал бы ваше решение, но он этого не сделал, выводы легко можно сделать, как это было |
destroyer He is only good with programs; I never said he is disqualified. He needs to behave better since he bothered Hao Tianyi and me on this site about your country's flag. Also, this was not my own decision, it was decided by the whole Central Committee, and only Epifanov was against this decision. |
Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs) He is very good on this Web Site and very useful especially for Gomoku tournaments. Our games are not popular. Losing players in this situation is a dangerous idea. |
Aivo Oll (aivo) So you are taking the side of a random Chinese player who cheated on a live gomoku tournament? |
Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs) To You as RIF representative ( Your activity may make tournaments worse( I'm not sure this is good for most players. |
Aivo Oll (aivo) Are you referring to me or Liu Xiangbo? |
Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs) His behavior spoils the reputation of the RIF organization( |
Liu Xiangbo (uida121) 什么时候能有19x19的swap2gomoku,15x15感觉太容易和棋了 |
Aivo Oll (aivo) This message was meant for Liu Xiangbo. |
Liu Xiangbo (uida121) destroyer,我是uida121,我知道你很急但你先别急,我只是复制了AI说的话,你可以参考一下,或者你可以表达AI说的不对,你警告我是没有意义的,因为我没有表达我自己的观点。 |