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Cheng Mu-Jung (andwer_marshall) 2023-01-08 22:03:17

19路 打錯了...

Cheng Mu-Jung (andwer_marshall) 2023-01-08 22:02:54


Liu Xu (fss.sosei) 2023-01-01 19:20:56

支持andwer_marshall复兴19道派 :)

Liu Xu (fss.sosei) 2023-01-01 18:55:04


swap-2 gomoku 38.5%

soosyrv 45.3%

RIF 45.8%

taraguchi-10 46.1%

taraguchi 46.5%

taraguchi-1(a b 46.9%

sakata 47.3%

tarannikov 48%

yamaguchi 48.2%

Liu Xu (fss.sosei) 2022-12-25 05:07:54


Liu Xu (fss.sosei) 2022-12-23 18:05:01


yleisf 2022-12-05 01:21:13


Viktor Kurochkin (boor) 2022-12-01 21:00:05

JPN - ESP 2:1

Viva la Japan!

Viktor Kurochkin (boor) 2022-11-23 15:34:51

JPN - GER 2:1

Japan banzay!!!

Cheng Mu-Jung (andwer_marshall) 2022-11-21 06:38:18


Cheng Mu-Jung (andwer_marshall) 2022-11-21 06:33:43




Anatolie Smirnov (anatolie) 2022-11-21 05:03:53

Тезис будет интересней или нет-спорный, а вот то, что ничьих будет меньше неоспорим. Не думаю, что черным будет легче, но это покажет только практика

Aivo Oll (aivo) 2022-11-21 04:51:51

Sharp positions are easier to analyze since there are only a few moves available. Making the board bigger does not make the game more interesting in my opinion. Just makes the variants that are strong for black even stronger or sure win and variants that are strong for white even stronger for white or sure win.

Anatolie Smirnov (anatolie) 2022-11-20 11:14:13

осталось попросить админа реализовать доску 19*19 :)

Cheng Mu-Jung (andwer_marshall) 2022-11-20 10:54:02

When you get an opening on large board, you will barely know which color is better unless you analysis it deeply. Instead, if games start on a smaller board, there are tons of dead draw line that can derive from a single position. Its makes games sloppy! :(

We all prefer sharp and compact games right?

Anatolie Smirnov (anatolie) 2022-11-20 09:22:28

баланс это ничья, айво хочет вечных ничьих?, большая доска -это не преимущество какого то цвета, вот все, что надо знать об этом

Sui Shunyi (suishunyi) 2022-11-20 00:35:06


Cheng Mu-Jung (andwer_marshall) 2022-11-20 00:33:18

和棋率變得更低,並不代表變得不平衡! 只要一個局面自我對弈能有50%的統計勝率,那就是一般意義上的平衡。和棋是否存在並不是衡量一個局面是否平衡的指標。大棋盤主要是讓局面變得更尖銳(sharp),簡單的和棋路線將變得非常稀少,迫使我們對局面做更深的分析拆解,同時大棋盤的所有結論都能夠直接應用到更大的棋盤上(甚至推廣的無窮大棋盤),我相信這樣的探索既有意義的也有趣!

Aivo Oll (aivo) 2022-11-19 18:35:25

So you want to make the game even more unbalanced than it is currently? :)

Cheng Mu-Jung (andwer_marshall) 2022-11-19 09:38:48

最近熱衷於探索大棋盤中的平衡開局,隨著棋盤變大,能夠保持平衡的局面越來越少,均勢的天秤隨時會向某一方傾斜! 這將會是個有趣的探索過程! 期待小站能夠支持大棋盤的對局 :)