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#30 Tao Tao (tao) 2024-12-21 14:52:44

Solemn Statement

1. is a website entirely created and funded by an individual, and it operates independently, without being managed by any organization or association.

2. The RIF has not contributed to the development of In fact, the website has been providing server resources free of charge for events hosted by the RIF.

3. The resolutions of the RIF General Assembly are only applicable to events officially sponsored by the RIF. Attempting to extend the scope of these resolutions to other matters, in order to confuse the issue, constitutes an abuse of power and bullying behavior.

#29 Tao Tao (tao) 2024-12-21 14:08:03


I strongly disagree with the statement on the webpage which says: 'The owner's decision does not follow the International Olympic Committee guidelines.'

This is a distortion of the facts and misrepresents my previous announcement. I have made my effort to cooperate and seek positive collaboration with the CWC organizer, offering constructive suggestion, and I have not violated any guidelines. If the organizer had any doubts, they should have raised them before the competition, not make sudden changes in the middle of the event.

I strongly condemn this irresponsible behavior. The other functions of the website are operating normally, and are not under the control of the International Olympic Committee or the RIF leadership, and they adhere to their own internationalist principles. The website under my leadership has not violated any international spirit. I strongly oppose this claim on the webpage and demand an apology from the publisher.

#28 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2024-12-21 04:51:44

The Correspondence World Championship 2025 is cancelled on Renju Caffe. I apologize to everyone who already signed up. Also, I would like to thank Hao Tianyi for his support for the last 4 years on this site.

Aivo Oll

#27 Tao Tao (tao) 2024-12-20 18:42:52

As an Administrator, I have heard that there is discrimination on this website, and I have seen discussions about international relationships. People from different countries and regions have different points of view. I am now here to make a formal statement regarding diplomatic decisions on this website:

I am not sure what changes were made to this website a few weeks ago that caused so many arguments, but I have now restored the previous settings. This website is intended for playing Renju and Gomoku, not for other topics. If you want to discuss anything else, please go to the forum that is also sponsored by me, where you are free to talk. I do not agree with international politics being involved on this website.

Regarding next year's World Correspondence Championship, as it is hosted on this website, I had no choice but to provide a platform to meet the decisions made by the RIF General Assembly in 2022. Therefore, if Russian players wish to participate, they must register a separate account using the Russian Renju Association, which is different from that regular accounts used for daily playing.

This website does not endorse or oppose any political matters. I simply provide the platform. There is nothing more to discuss.

Tao Tao, December 21, 2024

#26 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2024-12-17 08:58:45

The registration is open for next year´s Correspondence World Championship!

#25 Tao Tao (tao) 2024-12-16 07:07:55

Dear players, website users and friends,

Thank you for your continued support of the website. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Hao for his outstanding contributions to the site, which have been truly remarkable. My words cannot fully capture the excellence of his work.

Going forward, I will continue to provide services on the website. If you have any questions or requests regarding the site, you can contact me privately or email me at [email protected]. I wish you a pleasant experience while using this website!

Sincerely, Tao 2024/12/16

#24 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2024-12-16 06:49:41

Dear Players,

Due to personal work commitments, I have become too busy to continue managing the website for the foreseeable future. As of the sending of this announcement, I am resigning from my position as the website owner and transferring all management and decision-making authority to Tao Tao (tao).

Mr. Tao is a co-founder of the website and the sole sponsor, having made outstanding contributions to its development. From the inception of the site to the present, all costs for the domain name and server have been covered by him.

For any matters related to the website in the future, please consult Mr. Tao.

#23 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2024-12-12 19:05:37

This year´s Correspondence World Championship finished.

Congratulations to Ni Zhongxing, Jin Rui and Su Baowen!

Next year´s correspondence announcement will be out soon.

#22 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2024-12-02 09:28:02

Since the Correspondence World Championship is now a RIF title tournament, we must follow the RIF guidelines for it.

The Russian Renju Association players cannot play under their flag. See the decisions about it here: Under point 13, B section. Under point 10, section 1.

It is essential to follow the International Olympic Committee guidelines here.

Also, from next year the prize fund for the Correspondence High League will be at least 300 euros.

If you have any questions about this, please contact me via email or send a message on Renju Caffe.

Correspondence Commissioner

#21 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2024-11-17 19:01:58

Renju Caffe has recently introduced translations in several languages. Please note that some of these translations were generated by automated systems, which might lead to inaccuracies. If you have a request for translations in a new language or want to report any errors in the current translations, feel free to reach out to me.

#20 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2024-11-13 15:45:13

Announcement of the 3rd Super Gomoku Cup:

Despite some qualifying games still being unfinished, the top-3 players from each group have been determined, and the final group will begin on November 16. Unfinished qualifying games can still continue.

The final group will consist of 15 players:

2nd Cup: aboba, anatolie, bulldozer, bjornlind, csaba, angst

Prelim 1: ncm2006, uida121, vladimirs

Prelim 2: lulovi, findfind, crazyvvi

Prelim 3: searope, hj, bogos

#19 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2024-10-13 12:27:47

Announcement of the 3rd Super Gomoku Cup:

As the number of players has exceeded the limit, all players will be separated into groups.

6 players from the 2nd Super Gomoku Cup qualify for the final directly:

aboba, anatolie, bulldozer, bjornlind, csaba, angst

The remaining players will be separated into 3 preliminary groups. The top 3 from each group will advance to the final.

Prelim 1:

uida121, rum, aleksey, vladimirs, ncm2006

Prelim 2:

findfind, lulovi, torpe, crazyvvi, general_darhan

Prelim 3:

hj, bogos, rumkot, kaktuszka, searope

The preliminary tournaments will start on October 19. The final tournament will begin as soon as the preliminary tournaments finish.

#18 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2024-09-09 19:12:16

Join the 3rd “Super Gomoku Cup”!

#17 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2024-04-30 13:17:00

The registration is still open for the tournament.

If there are players interested in joining, please let me know.

#16 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2024-03-17 14:32:57

I would like to invite all renju players to join this year´s Correspondence World Championship.

#15 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2024-02-29 16:54:53

Hi! After some analyses have confirmed that with Super Taraguchi-10 it is too easy to force a sure draw after 5 moves, the referee team has decided to lose the 10 move limitation. Also, the 5th move can be placed anywhere on the board. This rule will be used instead of the Super Taraguchi-10 for the Correspondence World Championship.

#14 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2024-01-29 12:15:05

Hello everyone! As you may already know, starting from this year, the CWC rule will be changed to Super Taraguchi-10. To familiarize players with this rule, Renju Caffe has started regular Super Taraguchi-10 tournaments. Everyone is welcome to participate:

#13 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2023-12-01 05:41:29

The Elite-Ten Correspondence Trial Tournament has started. Welcome to watch the tournament:

#12 Aivo Oll (aivo) 2023-08-27 07:13:12

Hello all! Just a heads up: from next year for all groups the opening rule of CWC will be Super Taraguchi-10 instead of Taraguchi-10.

#11 Hao Tianyi (wind23) 2023-05-07 18:51:38

Hello! The CWC 2023 has started.

The player list is here:

Welcome to watch the tournaments and good luck to players!

The last Super Gomoku Cup has finished. Hope that everyone has enjoyed the games, and congrats to the winners. Now the next tournament is in plan, and everyone is welcomed to register in the tournament page.