

Rule: Renju, Board size: 15


Rule: Renju, Board size: 15


Rule: Renju, Board size: 15


Rule: Renju, Board size: 15


Rule: Renju, Board size: 15


Rule: Renju, Board size: 15

Super Taraguchi-10

Rule: Renju, Board size: 15


Rule: Renju, Board size: 15

Swap-2 Gomoku

Rule: Gomoku, Board size: 15

Swap after 1st

Rule: Free, Board size: 15

Lianhuan Renju

Rule: Renju, Board size: 15

From Beginning, the black stone and white stone be made moves alternately.

The opening of a game (when there are at most 4 stones on the board), when it is your turn to move, you have two ways of choice, either one move of turn to color or couple moves (a black and a white). If you make one move then your opponent has to turn to another color stone. If you make couple moves, your opponent can swap right (choice color). From 6th move the Black and White will be finalize, until end the game.

Lianhuan Gomoku

Rule: Gomoku, Board size: 15

From Beginning, the black stone and white stone be made moves alternately.

The opening of a game (when there are at most 4 stones on the board), when it is your turn to move, you have two ways of choice, either one move of turn to color or couple moves (a black and a white). If you make one move then your opponent has to turn to another color stone. If you make couple moves, your opponent can swap right (choice color). From 6th move the Black and White will be finalize, until end the game.

Lianhuan Free

Rule: Free, Board size: 15

From Beginning, the black stone and white stone be made moves alternately.

The opening of a game (when there are at most 4 stones on the board), when it is your turn to move, you have two ways of choice, either one move of turn to color or couple moves (a black and a white). If you make one move then your opponent has to turn to another color stone. If you make couple moves, your opponent can swap right (choice color). From 6th move the Black and White will be finalize, until end the game.

Swap-5 Renju

Rule: Renju, Board size: 15

Swap-5 Gomoku

Rule: Gomoku, Board size: 15

Swap-5 Free

Rule: Free, Board size: 15

Classic moved

Rule: Renju, Board size: 15

Taraguchi-10 Pass

Rule: Renju, Board size: 15

If the game ends up with a draw, the first player who passes will get a win, and white will win when no player passes.